Make sure to practice your layups whenever possible. This is the most popular shot in basketball. The best practice strategy is to go full tilt toward the hoop, then do a smooth jump shot. This technique helps improve your on-court layup skills.
Connecting on your free throws is as much mental as it is physical. Of course, you can show your body how to make free throws. However, if you're not in the right state of mind, you won't succeed. Relax and concentrate on your basket to increase your free throws.
Never have your back to the ball so that you're ready for anything in a basketball game. You must always be prepared to receive a pass and you need to know where players are on the court. Always watch for areas opening up where you can go for a quick basket.
Watch your shoulders if you obtain a shooting slump. Regardless of your skill level, if you don't have your shoulders positioned correctly, you will miss. Be sure to keep the shoulders squared up to the hoop. The shoulder that is dominant should be perfectly aligned with the hoop rim.
You need to be quick to play good basketball. Try to play faster than your opponents for an advantage. If you want to play the game fast, you need to drill continuously. Do not play beyond you capabilities, however. When you play too fast, you can lose control and that means turnovers.
If the opposition is hot on your tail, pass between your legs. Refine this skill by bouncing a ball with force between the legs while stepping backwards or forwards. Mastering this move can help give you an advantage on the court.
A good way to develop ball handling skills is to make your forearms and hands stronger. Wrist curls are especially effective at making you better able to handle a basketball like you could dribble sleepwalking. Do not remain in one place. It's not likely that you will be able to successfully catch and shoot without moving. Motion is key to being successful on the court.
You can prevent other players from stealing the ball from you by dribbling hard. When you dribble hard, the ball bounces back to your hand faster. That means there is less time for the other side to grab it. If your opponent is playing you up close, stop what you're doing and quickly look to find and open teammate to pass the ball to.
You don't have to worry about your basketball skills any longer. Now you know some tips even your opponents don't know. Keep in mind that the game of basketball is supposed to be a fun sport. No matter the case, it's fun being the winner!
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